De rerum natura libri sex

Autore: LUCRETIUS CARUS, Titus (94-ca. 50 bC)

Tipografo: Jerôme de Marnef & Guillaume Cavellat

Dati tipografici: Paris, 1567

Formato: in sedicesimo

16mo (118x76 mm). 264, [8] pp. Collation: A-R8. Printer's device on title page. 18th-century full calf gilt, marbled pastedown, gilt edges (minor losses to spine, round worm holes near the joints, worn). Small tear caused by an old repair in the inner blank margin of the title page, some marginal foxing. A good copy.

POCKET EDITION of Lucretius' poem jointly printed by the Paris typographers Jerôme de Marnef and Guillaume Cavellat. This is the second issue, which differs from the first printed in 1564 only for the date on the title page.

Gordon, 202A; Schweiger, I, p. 574.
