Parole sui muri. Fiumalbo (Modena). 8-18 agosto 1967. Un paese a disposizione degli artisti d'avanguardia di tutto il mondo

Autore: PARMIGGIANI, Claudio-SPATOLA, Adriano-DELLA CASA, Giuliano

Tipografo: Novalito

Dati tipografici: Modena, 1967


During the summer of 1967, the art even “Parole sui muri” was organized in Fiumalbo, on the mountains just outside Modena, by the mayor of the town, Mario Molinari, together with the artist Claudio Parmiggiani and the experimental poets Corrado Costa and Adriano Spatola. Over 100 artists and poets from ten different nations took part in what is considered as the first universal exhibition of posters in the form of the artistic manifestos, political manifestos, and poème-affiches. But “Words on Walls” became more than that, as it also involved installations, live performances, sound poems, and experimental films in the streets of the city and inside public buildings, transforming that small Apennine village into one single large artistic laboratory. First edition.
